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Solar - doing good locally & nationally

-- Announcement -- 

 New email... 
Unfortunately my Yahoo email address was hacked, after following Yahoo's suggestions in their help page I found that the problem wasn't clearing up and so I went online to learn more about the issue. That is when I found out that yahoo email addresses were commonly hacked and they have a security problem... it was suggested to me to move my email over to Gmail. So I have done this and am in the process of setting up the changes for this. If you email the old address you should receive a message with the new address. My website also has updated contact information. I'll send out messages to our contacts as soon as I can - Hopefully I won't miss any of you during this transition. 
-- Conscious Living event --

Green Teacher Webinar
Tuesday Feb 26 6:30-8:30 PM (Eastern)

--  Solar Power -- 

Today's article was submitted to us via Anthony Fahey of Bright Eye Solar - and was written by Jim Noden, the founder of Bright Eye Solar, LLC, a solar installation company based in Lancaster, PA (USA). He is passionate about the impact of solar at a local and national level. Learn more at

Solar Electric – How It Does Our Environment and Economy Good. Locally. Nationally.

Before making the decision to install solar electric systems, home and business property owners naturally have a lot of questions centered on the benefits that they'll provide. Of course, the energy cost-savings that property owners will realize over time is usually first and foremost top of mind, but there are other advantages to solar systems as well. Both environmentally and economically, solar energy benefits communities locally and nationally.

Environmental Benefits

Solar energy is without a doubt one of the most sustainable ways available for powering our homes and businesses. Unlike other sources of energy, photovoltaic (PV) solar panels produce electricity while creating no pollution. And while other alternative energy technologies such as hydroelectric dams and nuclear reactors present legislative and environmental challenges to communities, PV solar gives a straightforward, ecologically-sound option for generating electricity.  

Some key points on the environmental advantages of solar:

·      Clean energy source

·      No noise

·      Reduces reliance on our earth’s limited and dwindling supply of fossil fuels

·      Reduces greenhouse gases

·      The solar energy hitting the earth each day yields enough power for the entire earth’s electricity needs for an entire year.

·      According to data run through, an average-sized PV solar system for a residence eliminates 263 tons of carbon dioxide from being released in our environment. To get that same result, you would have to plant 1,315 trees or reduce our driving by 526,000 miles!

Plus solar electric systems conserve real estate because PV solar panels are usually affixed to rooftops of existing structures. Even ground-mounted systems generally don’t take up usable space because they can be installed in areas that wouldn’t otherwise be used – and when removed, they leave no trace so the land can be re-used as needed.

Economic Benefits

The solar energy industry’s environmental benefits lead to an important economic benefit as well; by installing more solar electric systems, we reduce our reliance on other countries for fuel. With readily available energy here, we can direct our U.S. dollars to building our own national, state and local economies.

That means more jobs and a healthier employment landscape. According to the Solar Foundation’s National Solar Jobs Census  report released on November 14, 2012, the U.S. solar industry currently employs 119,016 Americans. Over the past 12 months, the solar industry saw a 13.2 percent employment growth rate and added 13,872 solar workers. That report also points out that, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in the economy as a whole increased at only 2.3 percent during that same period of time.

Both independent solar installation businesses and utility-scale solar projects bring much needed jobs and tax revenues to the communities they serve. Solar businesses hire installers, engineers, administrative staff – and they stimulate job growth in the manufacturing and transportation sectors as well.

Certainly the promise of saving on energy costs remains an important selling point for individual home and business owners to go solar, but other benefits reach far beyond the structures holding the PV panels. Environmentally and economically, PV solar electric systems have positive impacts on our communities at the local and national levels.

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