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social beer, saving lives

-- Social Beer -- 

 * Today's article was written by Dawn Davies, who invites anyone interested in social businesses and charitable causes to visit:

Two Fingers is a social enterprise with a twist - it's a beer brewing company who donate all of their profits to charity. The company was created in 2012, when its seven founders had a vision for a beer that contributed and benefitted mankind.

They launched their beer brewing company to help join the fight against the most common cancer for men, prostate cancer. On their website, they say that 1 in 8 men in the UK will get prostate cancer, with the cancer killing one man each hour approximately. The charity they support is called Prostate Cancer UK, which is the leading UK charity for men with prostate problems. Two Fingers helps by both promoting the cause, and by donating all profits (after they pay bills, and reinvest in the business) to the charity.

This is the first social enterprise we've come across that deals with alcohol, and is therefore definitely one of the most unusual! However, it's great coming across somewhere different to the norm, which really shows that there are many ways to help out in your local community, or for the greater good in the UK. Plus, some methods are clearly really unique!
As well as helping out by donating their profits for and raising awareness towards Prostate Cancer UK, they ensure that their beer is suitable for both vegetarians and vegans, and promote safe drinking in all of their campaigns, which is an important part of their charitable social enterprise. It can be tricky to get the balance between promoting their beer brewing social enterprise, and not promoting dangerous drinking, but Two Fingers manage to achieve this.

Two Fingers Brewing Co. have currently been supported as a social enterprise in many ways, including most recently having been awarded as the UK's most inspirational social enterprise in a competition launched by US alcohol-brand Chivas Regal whiskey. They bill themselves as a "beer that saves lives".

Do you have a passion that you could make the most of, in order to help out with a social or charitable cause? You can help out in your local community in any way, even in businesses you might not have thought of before!

What are your thoughts bout this social enterprise brewing company? Do you think the fact that all of their profits go to charity makes them a valuable social business? Also - if you had the choice, would you feel more inclined to drink a social beer, over regular choices?

Award-winning authors Dave and Lillian Brummet: 
